
We recently received this lovely testimony from Michelle Griffiths, a former student of Pitman Training Swansea…

“Having being unsuccessful in gaining any Administration positions, I decided to update my skills and looked around for a suitable training provider. I soon found Pitman Training who ticked all the boxes for me and were the obvious choice. On meeting the team, I enrolled at once and commenced my desired course the second week in September.

Just five minutes into the course I knew that I had made the right decision in choosing Pitman. The course was easy to follow and I could go at my own pace, I quickly gained a Distinction in Excel which boosted my confidence no end.  The week before I was to take my final assessment for the Medical Introduction, I applied for two local posts which I was interested in. I was offered both positions!!

I have no doubt whatsoever that having gained recognised certificates with Pitman; has been a contributory factor in being offered the both positions. I have re-ignited my self-confidence and passion for working all thanks to Pitman Training Centre, Swansea. 

Having had so many knockbacks during the year I really began to lack confidence in my capability as a secretary/administrator. As already mentioned the way the course was delivered was crucial for me but another factor was that the certificates and training provider were recognised by the interviewers. I am now very happy to be once again employed. 

I have no hesitation in recommending Pitman Training Centre, Swansea to anyone who wants to enhance their skills, or upgrade their qualifications, as I am proof that it opens more opportunities and it definitely is worth it!

Thanking you all sincerely
Michelle Williams”