Guests invited to test their typing speed as Pitman Training reveals its new location
Are you ready to transform your career and change your life? Pitman Training, the UK’s best-recognised training provider for over 185 years, is excited to announce the official launch of its newest centre in Newcastle on 17th April! Located in Collingwood Street, this state-of-the-art facility is geared towards helping locals unlock their full potential and achieve their career goals.

David O’Connell, the Centre Manager of Pitman Training Newcastle and a former Royal Navy Commando, said, “We cannot wait to reveal our new facility to the people of Newcastle and to provide the high-quality, career-focused training they deserve. Throughout the UK, Pitman helps more than 30,000 people a year gain new skills and get the jobs they want. Now, with our new centre, we aim to carry on doing exactly that here in Newcastle.”
David is confident that relocating the training centre from its previous location in Saville Row to Collingwood Street will significantly improve the student experience. “After relocating the centre, Pitman has invested hundreds of thousands of pounds in creating a state-of-the-art training facility in the heart of Newcastle City Centre. It is an amazing space, allowing us to support the growing population and meet the increasing demand for our services. 2 Collingwood Street is a beautiful Grade II listed building and provides the ‘wow factor’ our students deserve.

“Everything in the new facility is designed to help students progress in their chosen careers. We offer corporate and private training opportunities and provide a place for people to sit exams. During our opening event, we’ll invite guests to test their typing speed and assess their level of skill with commonly used Office software. And, of course, we’ll have the usual fanfare and refreshments of a grand opening event!”
With over 250 courses on offer, students can choose to study anything from business administration to software and web development. The courses are flexible, making it easy for students to fit their studies around their busy schedules. Attending the event will be Pitman students, past and present, as well as the Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Councillor Karen Robinson and many local businesspeople.

“We understand the importance of flexibility when it comes to training,” said David. “Which is why we provide both in-centre and online courses, which allow students to study anywhere, anytime –ideal for working adults or people with busy schedules. However, if online learning isn’t your thing, having the option to come into a local training centre is a great way to learn because it allows you to get out of the house and escape the stresses of your day-to-day life. All our courses are designed to be relevant to the needs of employers and to prepare students for the challenges of the modern job market.”
David and his team are welcoming locals to the open event on Monday, 17th April, when Lord Mayor Councillor Karen Robinson will formally open the training centre at 4:30 pm. To find out more, please visit: