
Welcome to the our blog. Here you’ll find all sorts of useful articles and resources to help you along your education and career journey.

Navigating Redundancy: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Smooth Transition

In today's fast-paced job market, redundancy has become an unfortunate reality for many professionals. It's a challenging and often emotionally taxing experience, leaving individuals with questions, uncertainty, and anxiety about their future.

The 4 Ps of Marketing: What They Are and How to Use Them

Discover the significance of the 4 P's in marketing, their role in career growth, and why they matter. Boost your career with these principles!

Unleash Your Business’ Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Social Media

In today's ever-evolving business landscape, success hinges on staying ahead of the curve. And in this digital era, mastering social media is the key to growth.

Mastering Digital Literacy: The Foundation of Social Media Success

Digital literacy is about more than just knowing your way around a computer. Learn how our courses prepare you for success on social media.

The Benefits of Learning In-Centre

Unlock the Full Potential of Learning In-Centre at Pitman Training. Experience Productivity, Personalized Support, and Meaningful Connections.

What Is CPD, and Why Is It Important?

Enhance Your Career with CPD: Earn Valuable Points and Excel with Pitman Training.

Discovering the Significance and Insights of Job Satisfaction

Discover the essence of job satisfaction's impact on individuals and organisations. Learn why it's vital for well-being, engagement, and success.

5 Tips and Tricks for Using Sage Business Cloud Payroll

Unlock the power of Sage Business Cloud Payroll with these expert tips for streamlined efficiency.

Investing in Your Future: The Cost of Not Studying as an Adult

A significant number of students leave school or college not knowing their next steps. A sizeable cohort enter unskilled jobs like bar work or cleaning so that they can get some money coming in.