Welcome to the our blog. Here you’ll find all sorts of useful articles and resources to help you along your education and career journey.
When one door closes, another opens”. Retraining after redundancy can help turn your challenge into an opportunity. Read our comprehensive guide.
'Press for Progress' with the help of expert in business who are sharing their advice for free.
Looking to boost your earnings in 2023? Learn how to set yourself up for success, including improving your skills, networking, & exploring new opportunities.
Many people find themselves in a situation where they feel stuck in their current job and unsure how to make the leap to a new career. While the fear of the unknown can be crippling for all of us- it's just human nature- you really don’t need to worry about making the transition. In fact, a career change might be exactly what you need to discover (or reignite) your passion, and finally, find fulfillment in your work.
In today’s job market, it’s crucial to understand the skills employers are looking for. This blog shows you the skills to emphasise to get the job you want.
In today's digital age, computer literacy is more important than ever. We explore what computer skills and training are needed to be ‘computer literate’
Get the latest updates on the minimum wage UK 2023. Find out the minimum wage rates and how they differ for different age groups. Learn more at Pitman Training
Building a strong team is the key to success and achieving your business goals for the year. Learn how you can build an effective team here.
HR is quickly becoming an in-demand career. In this article, we cover important questions such as - what is HR, and how can you start a career in this field?