
Welcome to the our blog. Here you’ll find all sorts of useful articles and resources to help you along your education and career journey.

What Do You Meme Students Have It Easy?

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Social media gave us memes, so we put together the ones that best sum up student life, to brighten your day...

Are you in the best position to take a role in one of the leading sectors of the next decade?

After a difficult year with redundancies and job losses happening around the globe, our adult learning courses are designed to help you forge ahead in your career. We’ve looked at industry and government data to collate a list of the sectors expected to lead the pack over the next decade so you can prepare yourself to be in the best possible position to take advantage of the job market. Whether you’ll want to upskill to achieve a promotion in your current industry or choose a change of profession completely, we’re here to help guide you to your perfect career.

Harnessing heritage – How Pitman Training has helped students thrive since 1870

Sir Isaac Pitman's invention of shorthand started it all. Learn about Pitman Training's unrivalled reputation as an elite training provider for over 180 years.

New year, new you – preparing yourself for a fresh start in 2021

Gaining skills through an adult education program can give you the best possible chance of a fresh start in 2021.

How an accountability partner doubles your chance of success

When it comes to success, having someone to keep you accountable can make all the difference. Here's how an accountability partner helps you achieve your goals.

How to Use Upskilling to Progress in Your Career

If you're looking for a way to progress in your career, upskilling is the answer. Check out this article with our expert advice to find out more!

Managing your study and work life balance

Juggling a study schedule and a work life can be difficult, but it's not impossible. Here are our top tips for managing your time and staying on track.

Pitman Bursary – Local Support Here For You!

Pitman Training understands the importance of supporting individuals when their circumstances change. We are here to support YOU with the Bounce Back Bursery.

So You Want to be a Great Web Developer? Tips from an Experienced Developer

We catch up with Shane Prendergast, an experienced Web Developer, to talk about what he loves about his job and the skills you need to succeed in this role.