Following a challenging time facing redundancy, Alison boosted her CV by studying with Pitman Manchester, gaining an incredible Distinction grade for her Administration Assistant Diploma!
Hayley utilised some additional time to update her skills as part of her accounting qualification with the team at Pitman Manchester.
Emillie had been working as a PA for 4 years, but wanted a qualification to demonstrate the skills she had learnt previously, as well as enhance these further, so she enrolled on the Professional Executive PA Diploma.
My advice for anyone looking to take an adult education course with Pitman is that you should just go for it. If it interests you then it’s worth doing.
I had fantastic support throughout my time with Pitman. One of the team was always on hand to guide me through the process.
After hearing about Pitman Training through his former business partner, Adam Benghiat decided to pursue Pitman’s Professional Development Diploma to change his career path.
After initially studying in Poland before moving to the UK, professional chef, Michalina Brodnicka, decided to take Pitman Training’s Web Developer Diploma and put herself in a position to change careers.
After working in bar management for 20 years, Ian Reynolds’ career reached a standstill during the pandemic. So, he decided to refocus and use his furlough time constructively by taking Pitman Training’s Event Management Diploma.
Annika Barker had spent much of her career working as a bookkeeper for an accountant. Whilst she enjoyed this job, she wanted more variety in her job, so she underwent Pitman Training’s VA Diploma.
Alexandra appreciated the way she could combine study whilst gaining valuable work experience...