
Pitman’s Advanced Software Diploma allows you to learn on the road

It’s often said that stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to success. And if there’s anyone that knows a thing or two about stepping out of their comfort zone, it’s William Twomey. William, who currently works as a truck driver, recently embarked on Pitman Training’s Advanced Software Diploma to change his career path and find a new job in the software development sector.

“I chose Pitman Training because their Advanced Software Diploma covers so much ground. I have taken adult learning courses in the past but, unlike those courses, this diploma allows you to learn several programming languages. You also get to understand the culture of being a software developer and experience what the job is really like. For example, I learnt that writing the code is only 30% of your job, the other 70% is mostly administration and planning,” explained William.

Pitman’s Advanced Software Diploma is perfect for anyone seeking a career in software or web development across a wide range of entry-level positions. The course allows students to learn the coding languages that every web developer needs to know: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Students can then broaden their skillset with a strong foundation in SQL, C# and Microsoft’s .NET Framework that will lead to even more opportunities in the world of software development.

Seeing as his job requires him to be on the move constantly, it’s no surprise that William massively benefitted from Pitman’s course flexibility.

“Because of my job, I’m driving and sleeping in my truck most days, which means I have to do my course all online. I often had to fit my work in when my truck’s being loaded or unloaded – which was easy enough. I just logged on and got a bit of work done whenever I could and then studied a couple of hours every evening. I enjoyed studying online because the programmes were laid out in bite-sized chunks, which is the best way for me to learn. The course is also very practical and hands-on. The Database, Sequel and JavaScript modules were all great. To tell you the truth, I liked everything!” 

Pitman Training is not only flexible on where you choose to work through the course content or how quickly you wish to complete it, but students also receive help from a subject expert tutor. The subject expert tutor’s role is to ensure that you receive all the support you need. It doesn’t matter if you choose to learn inside the centre or from the comfort of your home, your subject expert tutor will be on hand to help you whenever you need it.

“The subject expert tutors are a nice touch. I’m the kind of person that will try to find the solution to a problem myself, however, I can see why they’re such a massive benefit for other people. The tutors don’t just give you the answer, they help you to understand the solution so you know why for the future. The only time I really needed them was when I uploaded something that was incorrect – they got back to me within 15 minutes and helped me understand where I went wrong. They were responsive and acted as a safety net. It was amazing to know I had someone there whenever I need them.

“Since taking the course, I’ve been looking for software roles to see what’s available locally and I’m also looking at internships. My goal is to become a full stack developer, but I need to get my foot in the door as that will be the hardest part. Since taking this course, I have definitely grown in confidence. In fact, I have a friend doing a similar course with a different provider and I already know far more than him which has given me an amazing level of confidence. I wouldn’t say I’m ready to walk into a company and start coding straight away, but that confidence will come with time. 

“My advice to anyone thinking about taking this course is that we’ve only got a limited amount of time on this earth. Instead of sitting there and complaining about your job, be proactive and invest in yourself and your future. If you have a genuine interest in programming, then go for it. You can make a better life for yourself.” 

At Pitman, we use the highest-quality technology to provide our students with the education they deserve. If you’re interested in developing yourself personally or professionally in a supportive and flexible learning environment, get in contact with your local training centre: www.pitmantraining.com