Raksha Chauhan Enhanced Minute Taking Skills - Pitman Training UK
Raksha Chauhan Enhanced Minute Taking Skills - Pitman Training UK
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Raksha Chauhan’s Journey to Enhanced Minute Taking Skills with Pitman Training

Explore the success story of Raksha Chauhan, who opted for Pitman Training’s Minute Taking course to elevate their role and minute-taking abilities. With a background of studies up to CSEe level and additional courses in Pitman typing, Raksha sought to further enhance their job responsibilities.

Choosing Pitman Training due to the course being funded by their service, Raksha found the learning experience to be of a good standard. The attentive staff also provided excellent support, creating a friendly environment that they enjoyed.

Access to a Learning Coach proved beneficial, helping Raksha with any questions or issues, including technical support. The training not only assisted in their career, but also boosted their confidence in understanding minute-taking techniques.

Raksha’s advice to others echoes their success: “To do the course, which was very helpful, especially if someone is new to taking minutes.” Congratulations to Raksha Chauhan for their accomplishments, showcasing the positive impact of Pitman Training on career growth and skill development!